Sunday, August 18, 2013

This is how I disappear

Feels like so long since I've posted. I guess it was because I had so much stuff to do. I started posting because I didn't have anything else, but now Alisun's introduced me to all her friends and stuff and they're all really awesome, so I've been hanging out with them.
Besides, I wouldn't really have much to post besides "my girlfriend is awesome." When she was in a second grade she serenaded the girl she had a crush on with "Stacey's Mom."
My girlfriend: "Her name was Stacey and the song had the word love in, okay! Don't judge me!"
She is obviously the best ever.
I was really nervous the other day, because we had our first argument. I was terrified that she was going to, like, break up with me or something. It was about the guy at the library with the sunglasses, she thought he was creepy (and she always says that), and I finally got really mad and started yelling at her, and she yelled back, and I kicked over a chair and stuff. It was really stupid, but for some reason I feel really defensive about him. He seems like a nice guy and everyone thinks he's creepy. He doesn't creep me out. I feel like I've met him before. I actually feel really safe with him around, even though he's really skinny and never really looks up from his books.

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